Police officers, paramedics, fire-fighters and triple zero operators suffer an extremely high incidence of mental injury whilst keeping us safe. It is a very lonely road.
Help us show first responders that they're never alone
Donate today
Every dollar you donate will be used directly for the support of first responders and their families.
Emergency service workers such as police officers, firefighters and paramedics put their lives on the line to protect the public every day while never asking for anything in return. Many are left traumatised, suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and anxiety. Now it's time to step up and give something back to a community of emergency service workers who need our care and support.
Help The Code 9 Foundation to provide more life saving assistance dogs to those suffering from PTSD and other mental injuries.
Your donation will assist The Code 9 Foundation in supporting the mental health of current and veteran first responders, 000 operators, and their partners and carers through a range of projects and activities.
Select an amount above or choose from one of the otions below to donate.
Direct Deposit
Direct Deposit The Code 9 Foundation BSB: 704230 Acc: 100540571
If you would prefer to show your support in time and effort, we would love it if you would fundraise for us.
We recognise that different people utilise different platforms to raise funds so we have provided some links to the most used websites to enable you to use the one you are most familiar with.
There are a number of ways of which you can fundraise for the foundation, such as:
Physical challenges where friends sponsor you;
Host a party with fun games;
Host a birthday party and ask friends to donate instead of presents;
Do a chocolate drive;
Host a games night;
Run a trivia night;
Sell some muffins;
You could even raffle off your ponytail!
The ways to fundraise are only limited by your own imagination and any donation to the foundation is greatly appreciated.