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$50 Donation

Buys a wellness and self care pack for a member in hospital.

We do our best to keep members from needing hospitalisation but there are times when that is the best treatment option for our first responders struggling with their mental health.  It is a very difficult and lonely time being admitted for psychological help. 

Show those members that they are not alone by buying them a Code 9 Self Care pack. 

We have put together a bag of products to assist with mindfulness practice, a key componet of inpatient care, sleep and other comforting products to help them adjust.


Thank you

Your donation will go a long way to help let our professional first responders know that you appreciate their service and  that they're not alone in this struggle.

Finding out it wasn't just me was huge.

“Finding out it wasn't just me was huge. Especially chats at the couple of meetings I went to. Just knowing that I wasn't alone was so important to recovering."  
- Police Officer

...the encouragement to climb into the light.

"This group equates to a strong rope ladder, thrown down the dark hole, and providing the encouragement to climb into the light."  
- Firefighter

I’m finally not alone.

"My life is pretty good. I have great family and friend support. I have a fantastic health team. We have a definitive diagnosis of PTSD and other illnesses and my multitude of drugs generally keep me well. However despite how well I was travelling with my illnesses...
- Police Officer

Pretty happy with the contact and camaraderie

"Pretty happy with the contact and camaraderie, can't find it too many other places."  
- Police Officer

...a nice reminder that we are never alone

A very big thank you to the crew from Code 9, for the kind gift at my stay in Ward 17. There is sadly more and more of us using this facility ( 5 Vicpol ) in the last three weeks and this is just a nice reminder that we are never alone. Thank you once again, Love you...
- Mick

I encourage members to reach out if you are in need this page...

To Don and the admins of C9 who have gone over and beyond to support a member of this page, I cannot express how great full I am for your supporting this member and the impact you have made on their life. The simple joy I heard when he returned home from hospital t...
- Friend of Paramedic

Hover over testimonial to pause