
What we do

Code 9 help first responders and their families directly by:

  • Offering a safe space for first responders to connect and receive support and advice.
  • Supporting families with meals
  • Providing mental health referral
  • Providing respite weekends
  • Facilitating mental health forums
  • Provide crisis accommodation
  • Providing peer support catch up groups, both in person and online
  • Sponsoring assistance dogs



The Code 9 Foundation provides a safe 'virtual' environment via a private group where members can be involved as much or as little as they choose.  Some members prefer to sit back and read to help them understand that they are never alone on their struggle.  Others like to post and share their stories or offer support to those that need it.  It is a place of camararderie, positivity and support.

Partners & Carers

Support for Partners & Carers of members suffering with PTSD

The Code 9 Partners & Carers support group gives spouses and partners of first responders suffering from PTSD,  their own safe place to share their own stories and concerns and like the original Code 9 group allows the members to support each other and know that they too are not alone.

Registered Charity LogoThe Code 9 Foundation is registered with the Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commission as a registered health promotion charity, ABN: 93411567323.

We are endorsed as a deductible gift recipient (DGR) and can receive income tax deductible donations. This means that a donor to a DGR is able to claim deductions to his or her taxable income in an annual income tax return after making a donation. 

Code 9

Peer Support Catch ups

Sometimes a quiet coffee and a chat, sometimes an organised event with speakers and presentations our peer support catch ups allow members that have PTSD, depression and anxiety to relax in an atmosphere that is free of judgement, free of stigma and super supportive.

Members get to have a few hours of relaxation time, away from triggers and be surrounded by fellow first responders who know exactly what they are going through.

We make it very clear that this is not group formal or clinical group therapy, just good old fashioned in person peer to peer support and proving that no one is ever alone.

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Family Support

We are aware of the impact this terrible illness also has on families.  With partners either in hospital or incapacitated can put a heavy burden on those left at home.  Code 9 is working on a way to help the family as well as the sufferer by providing support in the day to day running of the household.


Code 9 recognises the importance animals play in calming and unconditional love.  One of our main focuses is to help Assistance Dogs Australia in their plight to train PTSD Support dogs.  Members of Code 9 know first hand the life saving work PTSD Support dogs do and we see it as one of our missions to create the awareness to fund many more.