Walking tips for seniors
Walking is an excellent form of exercise for everyone, since it is low impact, free and high in health benefits. It can improve cardiovascular fitness and bone strength, reduce excess body fat and boost muscle power.
Before you set out on your 000-9000+ challenge we do recommend that you:
- See your doctor for a medical check-up before embarking on any new fitness program, particularly if you are overweight, haven’t exercised in a long time or suffer from a chronic medical condition. It may help to identify medical conditions that may put you at a higher risk of a experiencing a health problem during physical activity.
- Consider where you plan to walk in advance and evaluate its level of difficulty for you think about access, terrain and the number of places to sit down and rest.
- See if there are any walking clubs in your area specific to your needs and age group.
- If you can’t find an existing group maybe start up a walking club of your own with friends and neighbours.
- To reduce your risk of injury, gradually increase how long or how fast you walk, changing only one component at a time.